How to avoid the makeup devil - flashback
The dreaded flashback, the ghostly horror story that can happen to anyone and I’m sure we have all experienced it ourselves at some point, myself included! So why does it happen and how can we stop it?
Ever headed out for a night with the girls, taken plenty of selfies and cute group shots only to look at them the next morning and see your face is a glowing white orb floating above your bronzed body. Well that's flashback. This pesky white glow is notoriously known to be caused by SPF ingredients and silica. So what part of your makeup routine is causing you flashback?
If your foundation contains the minerals Titanium Dioxide and Zinc you’re putting yourself at high risk of flashback. This is because they contain bight white pigments made to reflect the sun's UV rays. Unfortunately they also reflect the camera flash resulting in a casper the friendly ghost situation…. not cute.
Then there’s Silica, the devil of flashback. Found in many translucent and HD powders, Silica is great for blurring the skin and creating a flawless matte look, containing light reflecting particles which work great on Hollywood film sets. However put these in front of flash photography and boom, your face becomes a strobe light for the night. If you’re noticing flash back under your eyes, don’t bake, reduce the concentration of this product underneath your eyes, or find a non silica powder.
Like a block of Caramilk, it's all fine in moderation. Small levels of Titanium Dioxide, Zinc and Silica shouldn't cause too many problems, however over use such products and you might find yourself in a pickle!
Here's my favourite FLASHBACK FREE POWDERS!
1. Laura Mercier Translucent Powder
$59.00 AUD
Great for setting both under the eyes and the entire face. This powder is finely milled and doesn't sit heavy on the skin. It is also oil free and has a silky matte finish. Best of all it has been specifically formulated to be Flashback Free and the shades Translucent and Translucent Honey contain no Silica, Zinc or Titanium Dioxide. This means if you are someone who enjoys baking this is possible with this powder without risking flashback.
2. Maybelline Master Fix Setting + Perfecting Loose Powder
$17.95 AUD
For those looking for a more budget friendly option, this Maybelline powder is a great choice. It's super finely milled which gives the skin a gorgeous soft focus finish leaving you FLAWLESS! However it does still contain small amounts of Silica so not recommended for baking!
Also no face is set perfectly without an amazing brush! Here are our top recommendations for setting brushes!
$25.00 AUD
The perfect brush for busy people on the go. Large and in charge, the tapered powder brush effortlessly sets the entire face quickly so you spend less time getting ready! The tapered shape also makes this brush great for applying bronzer because who doesn't love a 2 in 1.
$20.00 AUD
The name really says it all. This brush will be that best friend that you can always rely on to help you when no one else can! Perfectly shaped to set under the eyes and on top of the eyelids, this brush is also the perfect size for brushing away fall out, applying contour and even highlighter! The list goes on!
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